Work Never Stops
Even in the depths of winter the work doesn't stop on the nursery. Here is Keith wielding a blower to remove snow form the foliage of young rhododendrons. All the team were out in the snow either with blowers or soft brushes making sure no damage to our precious crop was done.
Hardy Hybrid rhododendrons are actually tough and winter hardy despite their rathe exotic large leaves. In the garden you will only ever need to remove snow in really heavy snowfall.
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Get Winter Ready!
We know you love your Rhododendrons, Camellias and Azaleas but are they ready for the winter weather?
Pots and Containers
Plants in pots and containers are more vulnerable to problems than those planted in the ground. We all worry a lot about the cold temperatures and, although these can be an issue if they get too extreme, actually it is the wet weather that can do the most damage. This is because the plants rate of transpiration (breathing through the leaves) slows in colder weather and so the plant is unable to lose excess water gathering at the roots. The other danger to your plants is cold winds.
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