About Us
Will Murch with a rhododendron just bursting into flower.
Osberton Nurseries is a family run nursery owned by me, Will Murch, that lies in the heart of Nottinghamshire and has been growing Rhododendrons and Azaleas for over 20 years now.
Not only are we passionate about the plants we grow, the different varieties and flower colours and the explosion of flower that occurs here in spring, but equally, if not more passionate about the quality and value of the plants that we sell.
Growing Rhododendrons, Azaleas and Camellias takes time and careful handling to produce a great plant and all who work at the nursery are experienced and have become good at this.
All our plants are:-
- individually pruned to provide a bushy and well structured plant with strong stems
Chris Bowman taking a last look at a trolley of plants before they head out to garden centres across the country.
- carefully fed the correct amount of fertilizer to ensure good growth and healthy green leaves
- the rhododendrons and azaleas are grown outside to ensure they are fully hardy and ready to be planted straight into your garden
- all their plants are at least 2.5 years old and most are 3 or more years old, if they have grown 3 years with us, they will happily grow another 10-20 with yourselves
- we only put one cutting into a pot which is another signal of an older and a better quality plant
- we grow our plants in an extensive growing system with lots of space which is great for plant health
We always like to know how are plants are doing after they have left the nursery so please contact us or send a photo, we would love to hear from you.
Osberton Nurseries is registered in the UK. Registered office West Buildings, Osberton Grange, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S81 0UF Company registration number 07128413 VAT registration number 890 764 583
Telephone 01909 485 621 Fax 01909 484 285 Email will@osberton.co.uk